Lemme tell you about Friday. Trust me. You're gonna wanna read this.
Well first some background. When Gracie and Seth hug me I tell them it makes me heart feel happy.
It's this warm fuzzy feeling that I only get when my children hug me. You know that first day of summer when you're laying outside, you close your eyes and then you take that first big deep breath that's full of sunshine? Kinda of like that only so much better. I just can't really put that into words, but oh it's just beyond amazing. It's, well, quite possibly my fav thing about being a mom.
Anyway, on Friday Bitty had a doc appointment. He was passing the time playing in my lap. We were babbling and blowing raspberries at each other. And then it happened.
He looked up at me with those big hazel eyes and ridiculously long eyelashes, smiled with his tiny four teeth, and then put his head on my chest. He sighed softly and tucked his arms up under his body...
And my heart was so very happy.
This warm feeling ran over me. I wrapped my arms around him, grinned that silly mommy grin, and teared up like a big ol girl.
And that's it. In a random exam room, on an uneventful day with no one else there, no drama to speak of, he became my child.
And now life feels almost normal.
Like I was driving to school, and I realized it felt totally normal to have three kids with me.
Grace was next to Bitty and babbling away at him.
I'm getting up in the mornings and not feeling overwhelmed by the task of getting everyone fed and out the door in time. Seth gets himself dressed and then runs to play with Bitty.
In the afternoons, I find myself with an hour to myself to zone out with random tv shows during naptime.
Bitty will not only giggle, but the kid has some serious dance moves. In particular he loves him some boy bands.
He's started signing, and even more amazing I understand it.
He will play right next to me and then sneak off to the office to pull out all the puzzle pieces. That's right he will wander off without me to play.
The older kids offer to help with the dishes and to help feed Bitty.
In the evening Bitty gets fussy, but only for an hour. I can put him in the playpen. He throws a fit for a few minutes and then remembers how many toys are in there. And the fussiness doesn't make me cringe anymore. It's just a normal evening with a normal family that has a normal baby.
As I type this the big kids are eating dinner while Bitty plays.
In fact, I can mostly categorize today as borderline uneventful.
Don't get me wrong. It's still scary to not know the future for Bitty and us. Things still aren't clear. There's still fear about the unknown with Bitty, but I can say unequivocally that I have three children. Three smart, funny and so loved children...And they so make my heart happy.