It was one of those moments where God spoke. There have only been a few times in my life that God has been that direct with me. He told me that was for me.
And to be honest it was a moment that I didn't think much of after that. I concluded that it wasn't really a favorite name of mine so maybe someday there where be a grand baby.
Fast forward several years, Philip was in our home. He was sweet, loved and I had never thought to name him Benjamin.
Then came Silas. Our plan had been three kids. We were going to adopt one more and done. We weren't open for more. Then Philip had a brother. And they wanted us to take him so that they could be together. I was afraid. The boys are 11 months apart. I was most definitely scared.
But here he came. My unexpected bundle of all boy, Philip's best friend and Seth's little shadow. The sweet blessing I never knew to ask for and whom I can't imagine my life without.
Once again, the thought to name him Benjamin never crossed my mind. Actually Wayne named Philip and Silas. And yes, he picked those names out exactly the way you think he did.
We had first names picked out, but we were still undecided as to middle names. We had been going back and forth for awhile.
Then my grandfather passed. I adore my grandpa. And while we were away for the funeral, I knew what Philip's middle name should be. I know what you're thinking but no...not Benjamin.
Philip's full name is Philip Kenneth Cearley after my sweet grandpa. I still get teary eyed just writing that.
Seth's middle name is also named after a grandpa, Wayne's grandpa Neal.
And so it only seemed fitting that Silas was also named after a grandpa. My other grandpa who used to take me for ice cream and could fix anything, my grandpa Ben. But Ben sounded too short for a middle name with Silas. It needed to be just a bit longer. It needed to be...Silas Benjamin Cearley.
And suddenly I remembered God's word all those years ago. The word I had all but forgotten came flooding back. And ever so quietly God reminded me that his plans are so much greater and worth while then mine.
Years ago before I had ever laid eyes on my fourth sweet babe, God knew. Beyond my well laid plans of three kids, God knew. Before the beginning of our foster care roller coaster for my sweet loves that drove me to my knees more times that I can count, He knew. Before my sweet babes were born, He knew.
God knew.
Tomorrow it becomes official, but God knew this whole time.
This right here is my Ebeneezer.
Thus far the Lord has helped us.