Giant is because, well you're kinda giant.
Ninja is for the awesome sound effects you make while tearing up that pomegranate on fruit ninja.
Polos is for your deep love of polo shirts and our epic battle about whether they're half as awesome as you believe.
Protector is because you protect me. In a dark alley or ooocky people, I know you've got my back, and you're always scarier than them.
Brak is for introducing me to humor that I'm now only mildly embarrassed to admit I enjoy.
Green mamba is because your love of all snakes and all those freaky animal shows you've made me watch. P.S. I will never visit Austrailia.
Karaoke is for the song at Jason and Christina's wedding, and the rendition of Living on a Prayer with me at LegoLand.
Lookin' so good is for catching you singing that song to yourself shirtless in the mirror.
Disneyworld is for the most ah-mazing trip evah with the most ah-mazing man.
Psychotic nerve is for my sciatic nerve that you so aptly renamed when I was prego.
Candle is for making candles with me in my apartment. And the moment I realized I like liked you.
Weird is for so many reasons...all of which I love.
Hot Wheels is for your love of collecting things that only cost a dollar. And the battle to keep me and kids from opening the packages.
Bacon, does this really need any explanation?
Words is for the games you play with me.
Scrubs is for the years you worked at BSA and wore those awesome scrubs with the matching hair net.
Lamborghini is for the many times you've dragged me to the Lamborghini dealership and the look of joy on your face when you see one.
Wrestling is for the years we wrestled and the way your giants hands could never get a good grip on my tiny wrists.
Buffet is for the pounds and pounds of fried rice we've scarfed over the years.
MJ is for Michael Jackson dance throw downs we've had...and the one or two you've almost won.
Walrus is for the silverware you've put in your mouth to look like a Walrus. Seth and Grace now do it too.
Go Kart is for the go kart races you can't ever win because you're so much bigger than me.
Nike is for the shoes you love so much.
Pirate is for getting made over into a pirate even if you were the only adult in there. And for real you made a supa sexy pirate.
Camaro is for you being so twitterpated that you let me drive your camaro even though I didn't really know how to drive a stick.
Incredible Hulk is for the Halloween you dressed up. The Hulk and Rainbow Brite made quite the awesome couple.
Pic smile is for your pic smile. And how sweet you are to try not to do it.
Monkey...well that's not blog appropriate.
Christian is my fav word to describe you!
Lassie is because you are my Lassiter.
Gracie is for the wonderful Dad that you are. Because I heart watching my big, tough scary guy become this sweet, gently teddy bear with our lil princess.
Chi is for when you made me think you bought me the Walmart flat iron instead of the Chi. And after letting me stew awhile, you told me the real one was in the closet.
Til Death is for being snuggled up in bed and listening to your belly laugh at Brad Garrett.
Funny is because you are hands down the funniest person I've ever known.
Bob Ross is for your artistic side and your love of the man with the fro.
Guns is for the when you stained your AK 47 purple...and then stripped it to make it blue.
Fishing is for when you came bolting into my Aunt Colleen's house with big ol cat fish grinning from ear to ear.
Peacock is for the many hours spent watching Will Ferrell movies.
Wayland is for when we went to the same concert at Wayland when we'd never met. And when I said I wonder if we saw each other. And you said no, I'd have remembered you.
Supra is for the year I bought the remote control Supra. And you loved it so much that you actually took it out of the box and drove it down the sidewalk.
Carrots...also not blog appropriate.
Batman is for watching you steer Seth towards your fav super hero and convincing him that Batman is way more awesome than Spiderman.
Uhhhh is for all the times you say uhhhh. And how over the years I've really come to love the way you say uhhhh.
Jack is for Jack In the Box. I admit its awesome.
Ferrari is for the other cars you do so adore.
Boot is for boot to the head.
Chicago is for when we were trying to get home with Seth. The stewardess kicked us off the plane because they thought he was too young to fly. And then the applause from the other passengers when we got to get back on.
Awesome is because you truly are just so awesome! I can't talk about you with the word awesome.
Gizmo is for your soft, sentimental side that saved your original Gizmo all these years.
Toes is for that freaky alien thing you do with your toes.
Food is for all the crazy things you've gotten me to try over the years. Most noteable is the eggs in my orange juice.
Seth is for the way I adore watching you with your son. Watching you teach him what it means to be a all boy.
Snuggly is because you my head fits so perfectly in that lil crook between your shoulder and you chest. Technically that's prob your armpit. So just above that.
Loyal is for the loyalty I've seen you show your friends and those you love over the years.
Newsboys is for the band that seems to pop up in our lives. At the wedding, Grace's first ultrasound and the countless road trips.
HB is because you write that on everyone's fb wall, and it makes you giggle every time I mention it.
Cookies is for when you told me my ginormous cookies were better than your Mom's. It was the moment I realized I was actually a pretty decent cook.
BBall is not only for your love of basketball and the Mavs, but also for your determination to wear bball shorts no matter the season...even is you have to wear long john's underneath.
Blizzard is for all the blizzards you've gotten for me over the last decade.
Stache is for the awesome stache you grew...and then shaved off.
Blue and Black is for the ongoing debate about if navy and black match...they do not.
And lastly true love is because you truly are my true love. You are my best friend, my knight in shining armor, my partner, and the most amazing husband I could ever ask for. Here's to the next decade with you.
I love you, Wayne Cearley <3