(Pause for girly tear up) Miss Lisa will no longer be Gracie's nurse. Ugh (pause again for girly tear up.) I know. We've had a LOT of nurses to go with various doctors over the years. All of whom we love, but Miss Lisa is different.
When she first showed up on our doorstep, I didn't know what to expect. I knew we were getting a nurse to help out getting her morning treatments done. I was supa excited to get to spend my mornings making my princesses Nutella sandwiches for lunch.
But we didn't get a nurse. Well, we didn't get just a nurse. She's become a part of the family. She's the one I call when I don't know what to do. What to do about an extended belly, a stomach bug, the flu and most importantly when Grace needs new boots. Yeah, sparkly boots all her.
She has spent countless early mornings with Grace and her hoards of Barbies. She loves my daughter when she's at full adorableness. She loves my daughter when she's too sick to get out of bed. And she loves my daughter when she's angry at her Cystic Fibrosis and is just done with her treatments.
She nominated Grace for Make-A-Wish. Took her for pedicures and tacos. She even braved Mr. Gatti's. She's the care of a nurse with the heart of a grandma, only much younger. She's been a blessing beyond words for our family.
And for me she's been a friend, a mentor and the kind of mother I hope to one day be. She's my first friend who really knew what it was to be the mother of a child with medical issues. She's the one I turned to when I didn't know about handling schools, 'medical necessities,' and when I just got overwhelmed.
Totally cried...again! I just want to say thank you to Miss Lisa for taking such great care of our precious Gracie and for being there during the rough times and hospital stays. It made being far away easier knowing you were there to help keep Tubby calm. Thank you for making my daughter feel special too when we were visiting. We will ALL miss you!